Berries Blend Benefits

Organic Berries Superfood Blend Benefits

Berries Blend

BerriesBest-Mockup , Organic Berries Superfood

Organic Berries Superfood

Organic Cabbage Palm (Acai) Berry Powder

Called Acai berry, this fruit is also known as one of the king or super fruits of the Amazon. It is very rich in antioxidants, more so than the average blueberry, blackberry etc. Acai is also fiber dense as well as rich in heart healthy fats. Being so rich in fiber it is commonly used in western cultures for weight loss as well as oxidative stress conditions. Many cosmetic companies are harnessing its rich antioxidant properties in anti-aging creams and serums.

Supports and Helps: Heart Health*, in Weight Management*, Healthy Digestion*, Detoxification*, Maintain Regularity*, Healthy Skin and Complexion*


Organic Lycium Berry Fruit Powder

Known as the “liver herb or berry” by practitioners of Oriental Medicine. Lycium or Goji Berry is a very popular remedy in supporting vision and eye problems. It is dried and is commonly used as a snack like the use of raisins. Goji has a sweet and sour taste and plays an important role on the health of the liver and its functionalities. In doing so it supports a slew of imbalances affecting the liver and metabolic functions.

Supports and Help: Healthy Liver Functions*, Maintain Healthy Vision*, Restore Vision Issues*, Healthy Digestion*, Healthy Immune System*, Reduce Oxidative Stress Imbalances*, Maintain Healthy Heart Functions*, Healthy Kidney Functions*, Proper Urinary Functions*, support Longevity*, Maintain Healthy Blood Circulation*, Healthy Blood Sugar Levels*


Organic Bilberry Fruit Powder

In Western cultures bilberry is considered the visionary fruit or berry because of its nutrient rich properties. Bilberry is rich in antioxidants, one specifically called anthocyanosides. This specific antioxidant is very effective in the production of red blood cells as well as having the capacity to reinforce the capillary walls while strengthening the blood vessels. In doing so, it enhances blood circulation to support the nourishing of the tendons and ligaments.

Supports and Helps: Healthy Liver Functions*, Healthy Vision*, Maintain Proper Circulation*, in Maintaining Healthy Blood Sugar Levels*, Healthy Blood Pressure Levels*, Healthy Kidney Functions*, Healthy Cardio Functions*, and Healthy Memory and Mental Functions*


Organic Blackberry Fruit Powder

Rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals, blackberry is another great super food or should we say super berry. This remarkable fruit excels in all avenues providing a rich source of nutrients to support healthy brain and cardiovascular functions to a healthy immune system.

It is also one of the richest source of antioxidant supporting a healthy aging process.

Supports and Helps: Healthy Immunity*, Slow DOwn the Aging*, One of the Richest Antioxidants*, Healthy Brain Functions*, Reduce Inflammation*, Weight Management*


Organic Blueberry Fruit Powder

Second to strawberry as the most popular berry consumed in the west, blueberry is rich in antioxidants. It is purported to be one of the most nutrient dense foods in the world with one of the highest antioxidant values. Not only is it great tasting but it is used in a variety of culinary presentations, from baked goods to cooked foods.

Supports and Helps: Health Weight Management*, Anti Aging and Rejuvenative*, Healthy Digestion*, Restore and Maintain Healthy Skin*, Heart Health*, with Focus and Cognitive Awareness*


Organic Cranberry Fruit Powder

Its healing effects have been known for centuries, and its power packing antioxidant capacity is second to that of blueberries. It also has a high content of salicylic like some other fruits and vegetables. This gives it the ability to reduce inflammation especially of the tissue, hence it is very effective in urinary tract infections as well as other infections and conditions of inflammation. it’s rich in Vitamin C.

Supports and Helps: Healthy Urinary Tract Functions*, Healthy Digestive Functions*, Healthy Prostate Functions*, Healthy Tissue*, Skin Health*, Detoxification of the body*


Organic Raspberry Fruit Powder

This berry is loaded with an assortment of vitamins and minerals. It is rich in potassium, calcium whereby supporting a healthy bone matrix. It is also rich in various types of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients, supporting the body on a deeper cellular level.

Supports and Helps: Anti Aging and Rejuvenation*, Healthy Weight*, Healthy Detoxification*, Aids in Digestive Health*, to Boost the Immune System*, Promote Healthy Skin*


Organic Strawberry Fruit Powder

The most commonly used berry in the west is the strawberry. This nutritious powerhouse is packed with high levels of antioxidants such as polyphenols. It is also rich in vitamin C, potassium as well as other vitamins and minerals.

Supports and Helps: Anti-aging and Rejuvenation*, Healthy Heart*, a Healthy Immune System*, Detox the Body*, Reduce Oxidative Stress Imbalances*, Healthy Weight Management*, Healthy Vision*, Healthy Urinary Tract System*


Organic Amla Fruit Powder (Amalaki)

Amla Berry is revered in Ayurveda (India’s Ancient Medicinal System) as a Rasayana. This means it is one of the most potent and powerful nutritional food in the plant kingdom and a rich antioxidant*. It is also respected as one of the best health and longevity promoting foods. Amla is one of the richest source of vitamin C, having more than 20 times that of oranges. Hence the reason it is used for supporting a healthy immune system.

Supports and Helps: Reduce Oxidative Stress Conditions*, a Healthy Heart*, a Healthy Lung*, Restore Energy Levels*, a Healthy Immune System*, Alkalizes the Body*,  Proper Digestion*, Healthy liver Functions*, Healthy Vision*, in Detoxification*, Restore Vital Fluids*


Organic Mangosteen Fruit Powder

One of the exotic fruits you will find in our formula is Mangosteen. Typical to the South Eastern parts of Asia, Africa and some regions in South America, this fruit is unique in its presentation as well as taste. It is rich in minerals, nutrition and antioxidants, especially the one called xanthones. This specific antioxidant supports the health of the intestines, by supporting a healthy metabolic function which in turn detoxifies the body on a cellular level.
Its mineral content and hydrating capabilities support a healthy cardiac function whereby reducing and / or elimination instances of cardiovascular imbalances.

Other beneficial qualities of this tasty fruits are: Antiaging*, Rejuvenating*, Alkalizing*, Detoxifying*

Supports and Help: Healthy Cardio Functions*, Reduce Pain*, Reduce Inflammation*, Reduce or Eliminate Unwanted masses*, Healthy Digestion*, Healthy Skin and Complexion*


Organic Papaya Fruit Powder

Papaya is a tropical fruit that pleases the taste of most, with a sweet and succulent taste. It is very rich in Vitamin C as well as have a high concentration of fibre. Not only does it support a healthy immune system, but it is known for maintaining a healthy metabolism with an alkalizing nature.

Supports and Helps: Healthy Immunity*, a Healthy Digestion*, a Healthy Liver Function*, Maintain healthy Vision*, the Body in Keeping an Alkaline State*, Calm the nervous System*, a healthy Cardio System*, Healthy Skin and Complexion*, Maintain Regularity*, Healthy Circulation*, Healthy Blood Sugar Levels* (especially green papaya)*, Reduce Inflammation*,  reduce / eliminate pain*


Organic Pomegranate Fruit Powder

The use of pomegranate fruit as a medicinal food back into the texts of Ayurveda, as one of the best nutritional foods. It is sometimes referred to as the gatekeeper of the heart. It helps to nourish and purify the blood, as well as maintain healthy circulation. Its color red resonates with red color of the heart, hence the reason for their compatibility.
It is loaded with antioxidants, especially polyphenols which supports the heart health and helps support a healthy aging process.

Other benefits include: Rich in Antioxidants*, Antiaging*, Restorative*, Healthy Blood*, Supports Healthy Cardio System*, Supports Healthy Circulation*, Supports healthy Liver Functions*, Supports Healthy Blood Pressure Levels*, Maintains Healthy Circulation*, Supports Healthy Immunity*, Helps Maintain healthy Digestion*, Supports Mental Clarity and Cognitive Awareness*, Helps with Virility*, Helps Maintain Healthy Stress Levels*


Organic Acerola Berry Powder

Acerola or sometimes called West Indian cherry is packed with antioxidants and also rich in Vitamin C, with one of the highest content of vitamin C in the fruit kingdom. It is also rich in Chlorogenic acid, an acid which is highly effective in balancing blood sugar levels, metabolic function as well as supporting healthy weight management.

Other benefits include: Supports Healthy Digestion*, Healthy Weight*, Helps Boosts immunity*, Antiaging*, Detoxifies*, Helps Reduce inflammation*, Supports Healthy Energy Levels*


Organic Cherry Fruit Powder

Another powerhouse of antioxidants are cherries. They are quite commonly grow in the USA and are seasonal, more so during spring and early to mid-summer. Cherries similar to blueberry are commonly used in bakeries & dessert houses for pastries and pies.But eaten by itself, it is quite tasty with a slew of beneficial qualities.

Cherries are rich in Antioxidants*

Supports and Helps: the Body in dealing with Oxidative Stress*, Healthy Immunity*, Detoxify the Tissues*, Healthy Weight*, Reduce Inflammation*, Reduce Joints and Muscles Discomfort*, healthy metabolic Functions*, healthy Sleep Patterns*


Organic Pineapple Fruit Powder

Pineapple is one of the most popular fruits consumed globally, it hosts a slew of medicinal properties. It is very low in caloric content without any saturated fat, but loaded with a healthy insoluble dietary fiber called pectin.

It is also rich in vitamins C, B’s and minerals, as well as contain an enzyme called bromelain which internally supports the digestive system by the breaking down of proteins. Bromelain is also very effective in reducing and/or eliminating inflammatory conditions both internally as well as externally.

Other beneficial effects of Pineapple are:
Rich in Antioxidants*, Supports and Helps: Healthy Aging*, Reduce Oxidative Stress Damage*, Healthy, Cardiovascular Functions*, Reduce Inflammation*, with Sore Throat, Gums*, Boost Immune System*, Prevent Cellular Damage*, Healthy Circulation*, Healthy Digestion*, Maintain Healthy Complexion*, Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails*


Organic Passion Flower Herb Powder

Passion Flower is delicate flower which also has a fruit called Maypop.
This flower and fruit both have nurturing and tranquilizing properties which support the health of the nervous system as well as mental clarity.

Supports and Helps: Calm the Mind*, Mental Clarity*, Healthy Digestion*, Settle Digestive Imbalances*


Organic Red Grapes Fruit Powder

A natural form of Resveratrol, this anti-aging and rejuvenative ingredient found in red grapes has been touted as of this century’s greatest finds. Research has shown resveratrol supports healthy oxygenation of the tissues, while also supporting proper dilation of the blood vessels. This supports healthy blood pressure levels, healthy complexion as well as healthy tissue regeneration.

Supports and Helps: Mental Clarity*, Cognitive Functions*, Maintain Healthy Circulation*, Healthy Blood Pressure Levels*, Calm Nervous System*, Healthy Cardiovascular Functions*, Reduce Stress levels*

Organic Broccoli Sprout Powder

Rich in Vitamin B 6*,  Vitamin C*, and antioxidants with a slew of phytochemicals which is responsible for sensory stimulation such as color, flavor and smell. Broccoli is also a good source of Lutein (supports healthy vision and the health of the liver) and Sulforaphane (exhibits anti-tumor and microbial properties).

Supports and Helps: a Healthy Liver Functions*, a Healthy Heart Functions*, Eye Health*, Digestion*,  Detoxification with an Anti-tumor effect*,  Reduce inflammatory conditions*


Organic Carrot Root Powder

Carrots have always been seen as the visionary vegetable because of its high content of vitamin A. One medium carrot will provide the following nutritional value:

210 % – average daily recommended vitamin A

10 % – vitamin K

6 % – vitamin C

2 % calcium

Research and the Benefits of Carrots

Carrots support longevity and a healthy life.

Beneficial qualities of Carrots: Healthy Vision*, Liver health and protection*, Healthy Brain*, Cognitive Support*, Heart Health*, Detoxification and Elimination of Tumorous growth*, and Helps in reduction of Inflammation*


Organic Collards Leaf Powder

Wonderfully nutritious collard leaves are very low in calories providing only 30 calories per 100 g and contain no plaque building properties. However, its green leaves contain a very good amount of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber that helps control LDL levels and offer protection against inflamed bowel tissues, irregular bowel activities as well as colon inflammatory diseases.


Organic Spinach Leaf Powder

Spinach contains a plethora of nutritional and medicinal properties which help to strengthen our immune system, boost energy levels, and provide our bodies with necessary vitamins and minerals. Spinach is a good source of Lutein, Protein, Iron, Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Sodium, Folic Acid, Manganese, Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Beta-carotene, Potassium, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Carotenoids, Niacin, Chlorophyll, Antioxidants, Phytochemicals and Lipoic acid.


Organic Whole Oat Bran

Whole Oat Bran is seen as an effective contributor to weight loss, by controlling the appetite. It also contains unique antioxidant compounds (avenanthramide), which have been found to help support the cardiovascular system as well as promote healthy blood sugar levels.

Contains: Fiber*, Protein”, and Antioxidants*


Organic Apple Fruit Powder

Apples are the 2nd most popular fruit in the US. This high fiber fruit can be a great source of disease fighting vitamins and antioxidants. Apples are packed with phytonutrients (essential for optimum health).

Contains: Vitamin-C*, Beta-carotene*, B-complex vitamins*, and Fiber*


Organic brown Rice Bran Powder

Benefits of brown rice include a better function of the cardiovascular system, digestive system, brain, and nervous system. Its contains a powerful amount of antioxidants which provides a relief for: elevated blood pressure levels and unhealthy areas of blood circulation imbalances, stress, mental depression and skin disorders. It can be effective for unwanted masses, obesity, blood sugar imbalances, neuro disorder, sleep imbalances and emotional imbalances. It also helps maintain healthy bones and a stronger immune system.



Organic Berries Superfood | Berries Blend

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